Recruiting & Coaching for early & growth stage marketers

Find new roles & accelerate your career

We work with marketers to identify their next career move and make intros to companies we advise. If you're considering your next role at a Seed-Series C SaaS company, get in touch.

We can help you find your next job

Chat with us about your career

We love meeting marketers, who are considering roles at early or growth stage B2B companies, to discuss their career trajectory.


Fill out our form

If you're looking for a B2B startup marketing job, we'd love to hear from you. Just fill out our form.


Talk to us about your search

We select a few candidates to mentor 1:1 and add others to our list of candidates we refer to startups.


Get referred to roles

We connect you with founders at companies when you're ready to explore new roles.

Emily & Kathleen

Who we are

We've built marketing teams from the ground up a handful of times and now advise marketers and founders—so we understand what it's like to be in your role. We really like using our experiences to help other marketers grow their careers.

Emily Kramer

Asana, Carta, Astro (acq. Slack), Ticketfly

Emily has led marketing teams at Seed to Series E startups with $0 to $100M ARR. She built the marketing teams and functions from scratch at Asana, Carta, and Astro (acquired by Slack). Emily is also an advocate for fair compensation, and offers free salary and equity reviews through Help Wanted Project.

Kathleen Estreich

Box, Intercom, Scalyr, Facebook

Kathleen has built and led marketing and operations teams at several high-growth startups including Intercom, Box, Facebook and Scalyr. She has experience on both the marketing and business operations side, bringing a holistic view to help marketers understand how to grow a business.

Want help with recruiting?

Founders & Hiring Managers: Post on our job board or  learn more about how we can help you recruit marketers.